Author Archive

Todd Harrison

Senior fellow, AEI

Todd Harrison
Todd Harrison is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he focuses on defense strategy and budgeting, the defense industrial base, and space policy and security.

Will Musk’s ‘Algorithm’ reduce military inefficiency—or increase risk?

It's good to question Pentagon requirements. But many exist for deadly serious reasons that may not be obvious in a hasty review.


National security deserves better than House Speaker’s 6-month CR plan

Bipartisan leaders should insist on—and meet—a tighter deadline for the fiscal 2025 spending bills.


Kill the zombie Space National Guard idea

Guardsmen in space-related jobs belong in the Space Force.


Biden shouldn’t stick to a defense-budget deal the House will not honor

Instead, the president should take a page from his former boss’ playbook—and seek the money the military needs.


Where the Space Force’s new ‘theory of success’ succeeds

The chief of space operations’ revelatory paper should be read across the Joint Force.


What Clinton’s Foreign Affairs Article May Mean for the Defense Budget

Her approach, more rebalancing rather than modernizing, avoids a simple zero-sum frame of defense vs. non-defense spending.


The Pentagon Doesn't Need a ‘Skinny’ Authorization Bill

Sen. Inhofe’s proposal for a place-holder NDAA isn’t necessary, and could be counterproductive.


Space Is Booming. America’s Next Heavy-Lift Rocket Should Reflect That

As the U.S. government leaves the RD-180 rocket?engine?behind, it should position itself to support and reap the benefits of the growth in orbital markets.


Trump’s Bigger Military Won’t Necessarily Make the US Stronger or Safer

The Pentagon can’t properly train and support the people and weapons it already has. Simply adding more won’t solve the problem — and could undermine long-term readiness.


If Russia is Selling, the Pentagon Should Keep Buying — Rocket Engines, That Is

What’s the rush? Before hastily cutting off the engines we need, Congress should set the conditions for a better American space launch market.


What to Watch for in 2016

It’s likely to be an important transitional year for many defense issues as the Obama administration draws to a close.


Trick or Treat: A Pleasant Surprise for the Defense Budget

The debate over the defense budget is not really about defense. But this is the best possible deal.


How Many Flying Hours Does It Take To Kill a Terrorist?

Why is the Marine Corps so afraid of my simple idea? By Todd Harrison